Wrap existing software investments in next generation Automation and AI capability.

This is Intelligent Automation

You’re probably thinking what is Intelligent Automation? It takes your organisation to the next level. In a world where the pace of technological change is increasing exponentially, it may seem impossible to catch-up. Intelligent Automation builds on your technology investments and future-proof’s your business.

Put simply, at Emneo we:

  • Automate workflows to be faster

  • Apply Task AI to be more intelligent

  • All built on a strong foundation

Our AI & Data Fabric puts Intelligent Automation to work. Wrap your business in next-gen technologies and augment your most critical investment - your teams & colleagues - with a digital workforce. Bots created using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automate the repetitive and free your teams to do the higher value, more interesting tasks. A win-win for productivity and staff retention.

Incorporate generative AI, to make the impossible, possible. Now.

Generative AI?! Yes! Make it a part of your automation layer but ensure it is being used safely and securely across your organisation, using the best automation tech available with built-in guardrails.

Our AI & Data Fabric, designed for your organisation.

  • With RPA, software users create software robots, or “bots”, that can learn, mimic, and then execute rules-based business processes. RPA automation enables users to create bots by observing human digital actions. Show your bots what to do, then let them do the work. Robotic Process Automation software bots can interact with any application or system the same way people do—except that RPA bots can operate around the clock, nonstop, much faster and with 100% reliability and precision.

  • Extract and organise information from complex content in any document format. Document Automation combines RPA with AI technologies & is the next generation of automation, able to capture, extract, and process data from a variety of document formats. It uses AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), Computer Vision, deep learning and machine learning (ML) to classify, categorise, and extract relevant information, and validate the extracted data.

  • Combine the power of automation + generative AI to revolutionise how businesses operate. Empower teams and accelerate every process with generative AI embedded in any application. Unlock and action data across any document type, integrating with best-of-breed generative AI models. Ensure responsible AI use with a human in the loop. Tracks behaviour, understands intent and develops process maps for automation. Interpret and create text, images, and content intelligently. AI-driven document processing understands context and goals, interpreting data effectively. Join us to harness the potential of generative AI and automation for unparalleled growth and efficiency.

  • Put a structure around your strategy, with Software AG ARIS to improve efficiency, save time and money, and make processes more sustainable. With ARIS, you can create, manage, and analyse your end-to-end business processes—the key to operational excellence that gives stakeholders the tools and insights they need to make better decisions every day. Add the power of robotic process transformation (RPA) to Reach your goal of operational excellence.

  • Implementation of advanced data visualisation and analysis tools using AI models extract meaningful insights, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and gain a competitive edge. Advanced statistical and machine learning algorithms provide actionable insights, ranging from simple descriptive analytics to complex prescriptive models that optimise your business operations and customer experience.

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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Frequently Asked Questions

  • RPA refers to Robotic Process Automation. "Robotic" describes the software platform used. “Process” refers to the business operation you are looking to perform. “Automation” is what it says on the tin — making work happen independently, using a trigger or time defined schedule.

  • RPA bots, or "bots", are software based programmes set up to do digital work. They go beyond chatbots and can be used to augment or replace any digital task. RPA bots interact with any system (including those needing and username and password) in the same way a human would. As long as the process has logical steps, a bot can be created.

  • You can imagine that process already. The repetitive, boring, manual task you and your colleagues do over and over again. RPA can do it instead! Freeing you and your colleagues up to tackle the work of more value. The bot is likely to be faster and more precise, avoiding any mistakes to be corrected. More work done and a happier workforce is always a good combination - that’s before the greater business efficiency is factored in.

  • Any! As long as there is a logical order to the process, RPA is the perfect solution. Any industry, any process.

  • A process can be up and running in minutes. At Emneo we focus on the time to value, using our micro-transformation method, you can be realising benefits quicker than you would ever imagine.